

Checkster is ranked #61 in the Behavioral Assessment Tools product directory based on the latest available data collected by SelectHub. Compare the leaders with our In-Depth Report.

Checkster Benefits and Insights

Why use Checkster?

Key differentiators & advantages of Checkster

  • Boost Retention: Uncover new ways to create a supportive workplace by tracking the progress of new hires and measuring overall employee contribution. 
  • Improve ROI: Achieve long-term goals by using transparency and accountability as building blocks to create strong teams that contribute to positive company culture. 
  • Increase Transparency: Reduce the tendency to groupthink by encouraging staff to share authentic views and feedback. Transform employees into active participants in talent advancement. 
  • Global Capabilities: Localize experiences for remote teams by ensuring complete adherence to GDPR guidelines. 

Industry Expertise

The platform provides solutions that meet the needs of businesses of all sizes across all industries.

Key Features

  • Collaborative Platform: Build a collective intelligence framework that records impartial views, encourages individuality and decentralizes the feedback collection process. Check in on employees at any time and measure individual progress. 
  • Real-time Feedback: Invite employees to the platform via SMS or email. Fill online forms and collect useful workforce input quickly at any time. 
  • Integrations: Leverage API capabilities to seamlessly integrate the system with multiple productivity applications. Create high-performing HR tech stacks with popular workflow management systems. 
  • Exit Surveys: Pose thought-provoking questions to departing employees to identify reasons for offboarding. Leverage insights from coworkers to rate former employees and further refine recruiting strategies. 
  • In-Depth Analytics: Generate customizable reports and facilitate development conversations with key metrics. Make data-driven decisions to improve talent acquisition and support onboarding strategies. 
  • Smart Tools: Expedite onboarding with automation capabilities like reference verification, interview evaluation and predictive talent sourcing. 
  • International Accessibility: Eliminating linguistic barriers with 19 languages supported. 


At the time of this review, these are the limitations according to user feedback:

  •  Admin functions are not optimized for mobile devices. 
  •  Time consuming report creation. 
  •  Not available for on-premise implementation. 
  •  Limited self-help training resources. 

Suite Support

mail_outlineEmail: [email protected].
phonePhone: (866) 800-0709.
schoolTraining: Refer to support documents for administrative setup and attend webinars for product demonstrations.
local_offerTickets: Information not specified.
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