Warehouse management systems are a significant asset for companies that deal in product inventories or store products and materials in physical warehouses. Remote warehouse management software brings enormous innovation to warehouse management. Embrace remote-based warehousing to increase overall warehouse efficiency and productivity.
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Operations that rely on old pen and paper techniques quickly fall prey to a hosts of problems. Why deal with multiple avenues of human error when you can remotely manage your entire warehousing operation?
Before we look at the features and benefits of remote warehousing, let’s look at what this software is all about.
What This Article Covers:
What Is Remote Warehouse Management?
Remote warehouse management is software that provides remote system access and monitoring no matter where they are. It supports and collects data from your automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) for seamless navigation between warehouses.
During downtime or unexpected ERP software updates, remote warehousing guarantees that your data still goes through collection and jobs don’t run into any process snags.
Remote warehousing digitizes warehouse management through real-time data. It overlooks and controls warehousing operations and processes like receiving, shipping, storing inventory, tracking, etc. It also helps businesses make better decisions in areas such as process automation, logistics planning, order fulfillment and labor management.
Remote warehouse systems also offer core features like remote inventory management, predictive warehouse maintenance, real-time data, etc.
Key Benefits
Remote warehouse systems are a significant part of any warehouse operation. They manage and control multiple processes from a centralized system for businesses that rely on distribution centers and warehouses. They also support remote monitoring from an offsite location.
These systems provide several eye-opening benefits:
Maximize Storage Space
Integrating a remote warehouse management system can help warehouses and distribution centers optimize space. Integrating robots and machines give warehouse professionals complete control over their space. Leveraging an efficient cloud-based WMS provides accurate forecasting to reduce overstocking.
Boost Return on Investment (ROI)
Implementing a robust cloud-based WMS improves ROI and increases efficiency via automation. Businesses can streamline productivity analysis and labor planning operations. Cloud integration improves access and visibility to manage multiple activities from anywhere.
Strengthen Efficiency and Accuracy
Obtain accurate, real-time insights into remote warehouses using connected setups like barcode scanners and RFIDs. These handheld devices improve picking speed and accuracy. Adopting remote warehousing solutions improves overall warehouse efficiency and reduces the risk of inventory shrinkage.
Improve Productivity
Automation has a significant impact on warehouse productivity. Most warehouse operations improve with automated robots, AI and machine learning solutions. For instance, an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) or autonomous guided vehicle (AGV) uses sensors and processors to navigate and secure the best route from point A to point B.
Enhance Customer Relationships
The happiness of your customers directly affects the success of your warehousing operations. You have the warehouse space to accommodate multiple clients, but how can remote warehouse management turn one-off customers into return clients?
With the ability to quickly order components or products, customers can rely on your speed and accuracy. Accurate billing and receipt generation is another benefit of remote warehouse management that can strengthen customer relationships. With easy access anywhere, you can check that fees are paid on time and ensure that transactions are completed promptly without errors.
Relying on older methods of billing wastes time and can breed unnecessary mistakes. Nothing will turn away a client faster than a late bill or an incorrect overcharge.
Top Features
Those in control of the business won’t always be on the ground at a warehouse operation. The ability to manage warehouses remotely opens many doors for business leaders. However, how does a remote warehouse management solution work? We outlined some of the top aspects of how business planners utilize remote warehouse management solutions:
Remote Inventory Management
One key remote warehouse management challenge involves tracking high volumes of goods and materials as they move from place to place. Some remote warehouse management software vendors call this supply chain execution.
Other tools have a particular focus on different stages of inventory management. For example, some traditional inventory management tools focus on real-time inventory tracking for products as they travel to customers.
Regardless of how businesses use these tools, they offer the ability to manage a warehouse remotely. Barcode scanning or radio frequency ID (RFID) tracking allows someone who isn’t at a physical warehouse to see precisely how much of a given product comes in, where to store it, how long it stays and how much leaves in a given time frame.
Advanced remote inventory management reduces warehouse space by decreasing the number of unnecessary products. It also assists with order fulfillment, dock processing, and analyzing and tracking deliveries. Inventory and supply chain management tools are two of the most significant inclusions of remote warehouse management systems.
Cloud Integration
Today, integrating the cloud into your operations improves visibility and connectivity. As warehousing operations expand, tying everything together via one easy-to-access portal is a life-saver. Remote warehouse management software and the cloud go hand in hand to push your small (or large) warehousing enterprise to the next level.
The cloud brings ease of access to any size of operation. Streamlining operations without being physically present in a warehouse is the name of the game for remote warehousing functionality. Adopting the cloud is a critical step in the right direction when looking for ways to optimize business processes.
Is your warehousing enterprise multi-tenant and global? Look no further than the cloud, which allows you to manage multiple warehouses from any location at any time!
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Labor and Workforce Management
Another essential element of these systems is the ability to manage staff.
Without these state-of-the-art tools, someone in a remote location would struggle to stay on top of what’s happening with their staff. Without detailed phone calls, they won’t know how many people might be on the current staff roster, inside the building or will show up on a given day. They also lack insight into performance and productivity metrics.
However, with modern tools, remote managers can see who’s on site and what work they’re doing. With the right connection to standalone human resources, they can even get a sense of what a warehouse team looks like in terms of people’s background, experience and particular skill sets. Such a wealth of data makes for effective managerial decision-making, all from a distance.
Backup and Data Maintenance Systems
With all of this vital warehouse management work, remote leaders have to be able to rely on a system to maintain itself despite obstacles. Backup and disaster planning systems reduce the risk of data redundancy. If something happens at the site, or the vendor experiences downtime, information remains intact, and there is no operational slowdown.
Planning for downtime and system failure is a crucial feature of any remote warehouse management tool. If high availability data collection is necessary, many software solutions provide functionality in this regard as well.
Failover systems can be put into place if an outage occurs, ensuring that employees can keep working without losing valuable data. High availability solutions also create an instant recovery point and can bounce back from disruptions quicker than most solutions.
Accounting and Reporting Tools
Other elements of remote warehouse management focus on streamlining accounting practices and providing quick, up-to-date reports.
Many systems can tie inventory tracking and product delivery assessment to finances. Some products can even integrate with accounting packages like QuickBooks Online. Others can connect users to Crystal Reports to build reporting formats that help business leaders understand what’s happening and plan ahead.
These systems also offer excellent data visualization tools, such as dashboards that show how much money is coming in through a particular warehouse operation.
Real-time Information
All of the above innovations can thrive on the modern principle of real-time information delivery. The quicker this data is brought to remote managers, the more it helps fine-tune a warehouse operation. Again, modern systems are relatively cutting-edge and have come about somewhat recently to enable all sorts of remote and agile management opportunities.
Real-time data collection does not rely on a local copy of transaction data. When ERP updates strike, this functionality keeps your warehouse up-to-date and transmits data throughout the upgrade process.
Solution Selection
We have a definition and some working knowledge of what remote warehouse management can bring to your table, what next? Take a look inward at your operation and decide on some must-have functionality you need to combat your warehousing pain points.
Ask yourself (and software vendors) a few probing questions to help guide you on the path to implementing a perfect solution. If you are having trouble coming up with some, here are a few examples that can help get you started.
What size is your operation?
Remote inventory and warehouse software solutions aren’t one size fits all. Smaller warehousing enterprises don’t need complex software suites. The same goes for more extensive operations; a suite that is too simple to handle multi-tenant warehousing operations that span the globe will only hurt.
How Much Room Is There in the Budget?
Implementing new software comes with a price tag, and ensuring you are on track with your budget is critical. Just because a solution is expensive doesn’t mean it will solve your problems. In the other direction, going for a cheap software suite only because it costs less is a bad choice.
Does the Solution Come With a Support System?
Before hitching yourself to a software solution, remember that no matter how small the integration, new software comes with growing pains. Be sure to ask vendors about support availability. Do they have staff ready to answer any integration or other tech support needs?
General Warehousing or Specific Focus?
While the main topic of this article is remote warehouse management, inventory management is another important branch of the supply chain that remote warehouse management taps. Specific software solutions may focus on aspects you do not need. Define if you have specific goals or an overarching need to optimize completely.
Is Training Required?
Whether you add single modules or completely revamp your warehouse management system setup, there will be growing pains. New additions to your warehousing functionality usually require training to get users up to speed. Consider this when evaluating budgetary concerns (both time and money) before implementing a new solution.
Trying to narrow down your perfect software suite can be difficult. If you’re having trouble sifting through the many products available, look at our requirements template. We can help guide you toward finding that perfect fit.
Final Thoughts
Companies without modern WMS software should think about how these tools can help a production or warehousing company evolve. Remote warehouse management can provide good ROI for investment in cutting-edge software products. Adopting this kind of solution can put you on the front foot of industry innovation!
How would adopting remote warehouse management software streamline your warehousing operation? Leave us a comment below!