10 Reasons Why Companies Adopt Marketing Automation

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10 Reasons Why Companies Adopt Marketing Automation

Intended for:

This ebook is intended for marketers who want to understand how marketing automation software can help solve everyday challenges.

Will Help With:

The ebook provides a brief list detailing how a marketing automation solution addresses the common problems you face.

The Report Covers:

  • – Common marketing challenges
  • – Solutions to those challenges

Researcher Notes:

A problem/solution format offers a unique take on why companies adopt marketing automation software. Concrete examples allow readers to easily relate to the problems and solutions covered. From this, readers can quickly see how marketing automation would apply to their specific situation.

Descriptions of each problem and solution clearly reveal how marketing automation impacts a company. Marketers who have difficulty generating enough leads, work in siloed systems and struggle to accurately target their audiences will learn how they can overcome those and other common obstacles by using a marketing automation platform.


This ebook, while short, can be a useful tool for marketers who face difficulties in their daily jobs and are looking to technology for the answer. Its limited scope only discusses how marketing automation tools provide solutions. For that reason, we recommend readers use it as a means to gather general information about marketing automation and as one resource in their broader research.

Zachary Totah10 Reasons Why Companies Adopt Marketing Automation